Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's Time to Get FIT, Fierce, and FABULOUS!

Yes... It's PAST Time!! Let this BE the Moment, the Day, the Month, the YEAR that you decide to MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN in your life. NO more EXCUSES! Life is a each day as a GIFT. Take CARE of your physical, mental and Spiritual HEALTH and you will be FIT, FIERCE, and FABULOUS in 2009.
The might even influence others to do the same!!
Wouldn't that be great to know that you MADE a difference in someone Else's life...YOU could be the MISSING reach someone for Jesus...or Inspire someone to start a fitness program, or help them have a little less stress. HOW???

By living the EXAMPLE!

But first things FIRST...START on YOU NOW!!! Tomorrow's a new NOT beat yourself up about today or yesterday... JUST get UP and MOVE it!!
Incentive???How about a happy life?

Sounds good to me! I hear to help ANYONE...nutrition or exercise...or even a spiritual lift...just reach out!

Click on the above picture and find a class for you! Be INSPIRED! Bodypump is AMAZING...but you can try something else more your on each person to get a "taste". Or even a walk with the DOG??? aka Guss?

Embrace the DAY!

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1 comment:

Mrs. M said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your concept. It is really time for me to get back in shape so I could use all the motivation I can get! ;-)