Monday, October 12, 2009

YES....I DID IT!!!

Me sprinting toward the finish line!

I did it!!!! What you ask???
I completed my first half MARATHON...that's right 13.1 miles! It was tough...physically and mentally...especially because of the cold weather! Can you say 39 degrees??? I've never really ran in cold weather...but it was a day of firsts! And my hips literally were SCREAMING at mile 10! I just kept pushing one foot in front of the other and telling myself YOU CAN DO IT!

Pretty proud of myself with a time of 1 hour and 54 minutes!! Meeting my goal of 2 hours or less!

Truly...if I can do can you! It's all about PUSHING YOURSELF!!! BELIEVE that you can and YOU WILL!
Hope you have a WONDERFUL week full of SWEAT!
Here are a few fellow Mommy and Me-er's who ran the race with me! We are FIT, FIERCE, and FABULOUS women!!

Dane was alseep when I crossed the FINISH LINE!

Comparing "battle Wounds"!

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Mrs. M said...

Hooray!! Congrats!! So cold though - BRRRRRR! ;-)

Twincerely,Olga said...

Yeay!!! Woo~Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations!!!! I am so proud of you! I ran my first ever last year but I didn't go that fast!!!

RRigdon said...

Congratulations, you ROCKSTAR!!!!

Cami Checketts said...

Congrats! Awesome time. I'm so proud of you. Your arms look amazing in the first photo.