Monday, January 11, 2010


I SURVIVED running 12 miles in the SNOW!!! WHAT a crazy 2 hours in 16 degree weather it was.
Truly amazing.... if you would have told me a year ago that I would have been running, let alone running outside when it's cold I would have LAUGHED in your face and claimed you were INSANE!
Funny how things change!
I am DETERMINED to PERSEVERE and accomplish my goal of COMPLETING a FULL MARATHON this April! There is no option to "skip" the run...and to do it on a treadmill...well that just seems even more CRAZY!
TRAINING is so's not just about crossing the finish's the HARD WORK each week that goes into meeting the GOAL!! While running on Saturday I actually thought..."if you can run in these conditions... snow on the ground, frigid temperatures, and 12 miles...then that MARATHON might even be easier!". SERIOUSLY... it might be!! (I'll let you know!)

So what are your GOALS for the year? For the MONTH? The QUARTER? You must map out your way, WRITE it down, and start your way toward ACCOMPLISHMENT.
I CHALLENGE you to JUST DO IT!!! CLAIM 3 things you want to do to improve physical, one mental, one spiritual and do it!!! We need to assure all facets of our life are in order to be COMPLETE!
Here are mine...
Physical- run a MARATHON in APRIL
Mental- Monthly scrapbook ( I usually wait to the end of the year and SPAZ to get it done)
Spiritual- Daily devotion.

Here is yesterday's verse
"Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD; Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn." Isaiah 51:1
YOU MUST FOCUS on success.... YOU CAN DO IT...HAVE FAITH in yourself...GOD already does!!!
So tell me...what are you GOAL for this year??

Just food for thought!!

Here a few pictures from New Year's Eve. What fun hubby and I had together!

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Mrs. M said...

You two look hot! What fun!! :)

Physical: Keep up the workouts and add some FLEXIBILITY and some joint activity with my hubby to the mix.

Mental: Try to relax more and get all the things I think about accomplished.

Spiritual: Try to get to church more often and I really want to do some bible study!

Roxy said...

Maybe for the physical you could shoot for at least 1 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY with hubby per week...WRITE it down on the calendar so you can SEE IT and REFLECT at the end of the year!
Mental...have a little notebook that you can jot those "things" down in...then CROSS OFF when completed...GREAT SATISFACTION in that!
Spiritual.... shoot for a specfic goal like...twice a month or sign up for a bible study group???
Looking forward to hearing about the SUCCESS!!

THanks for the compliment!

Cami Checketts said...

Love the pictures!
Thanks for sharing the goals and the motivation.
My goals:
Physical - Have a healthy baby
Mental - Complete and polish two novels
Spiritual - Make more opportunities to serve

Blessings to you,

RRigdon said...

You are looking so fly, girl.

I don't know that I'll have time to do the full marathon this year, but my town is hosting a half marathon in March, so I'm going to do that one.

Here are my three:

Physical: Run 1,000 miles this year.

Mental: Write another novel and read 100 books this year.

Spiritual: Read the Bible in chronological order this year.