Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time to Read?

Ok, Ok, you're thinking WHEN DOES SHE HAVE TIME TO READ? Well, I have just about as much time to read as you do! Yes, a mother of two little ones CAN FIND TIME! Remember, it's all about balance! One must take care of her family and friends, but always striving for BALANCE with oneself. Why? Simple...if you do not nurture yourself, self will be lost...resulting in CRANKY mommy, UNHAPPY wife, UN CAPABLE friend which leaves UNHAPPINESS for everyone!
So the next time your thinking of indulging your need for "alone" time remember the above sentence.
It may take me a few weeks to finish the book, but I will do it and ENJOY every moment!
What will your vice be this week? Exercise is a GIVEN....we've already established that one...what else will you do to fill some "alone" time and get that much needed mental break?

I'll let you know how it is...certain to be good because it's Nicholas Spark's Latest release!

Move it,


Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

Do I see a knitty bitty bookmark attached ;-)

Roxy said...